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Writer's pictureDylan Pierce

Creating with Freedom

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

Do you ever experience fear with creating art?

It is a common thing artist face. It often shows up in procrastination or simply not having freedom in one's creative process.

"Will I?" Graphite drawing, 18x24 inches.

Art should be fun, right? It can be amazingly rewarding. But often I find, the challenges reveal my weaknesses, as well as strengths. It takes courage to persevere. And too often the artist is the only one aware of these struggles, alone in it. If you don't have a good community of artists and a good art mentor, I hope you find one! It can mean the difference of fulfilling your hopes and desires.

“Art is like beginning a sentence before you know its ending.”

ART REQUIRES FAITH! After painting hundreds of paintings, the process is still unknown and uncertain. I try to hang on too much. I still incessantly question paintings in process, still not allowing unreserved expression with the brush. Why? Are all artists like this? Can you relate?

“Tolerance for uncertainty is the prerequisite to succeeding.”

I want to encourage you, if you don't throw artwork away, allow yourself to take more risks! The greatest of artists also throw paintings away.

“One of the basic and difficult lessons every artists must learn is that even the failed pieces are essential.”

WHAT FEELS RISKY FOR YOU? Risk-taking means something different for each artist.

I'm learning we need to accept ourselves in the process, to not care too much, and to allow myself the freedom to make mistakes! To approach it with a childlike heart.

What's encouraging is, as we step outside of our comfort zone a little bit at a time we will OVERCOME fears and be victorious over them.

Some tips for Overcoming Fear:

  1. Be gracious to your self.

  2. Have faith!

  3. Remind yourself it's a journey.

  4. Join a supportive community of artists.

  5. Find a good teacher / mentor.

  6. Experiment with little studies.

  7. Don't quit.

Thank you for allowing me to share. Have you noticed fear hinder you in your creative process? Please comment below!

If you are interested in learning watercolor online with me, please check out my Step-By-Step tutorials.

"Haitian Girl" original watercolor, 12x16 inches

Quotes from: Art & Fear: Observations On The Perils (And Rewards) of Artmaking by David Bayles and Ted Orland.


Maria Santavicca
Maria Santavicca
Feb 01, 2023

I love this post. It’s so encouraging. Truly eye opening to hear you still have struggles. What a good reminder that art is a learning/ growing journey. i love the quote “Art is like beginning a sentence without knowing the ending”

And your tips for overcoming fear blessed me in more ways than one. Great tips for overcoming fear in art but also in life. Pertaining to a difficult circumstance im currently facing….” when we step outside our comfort zone a little bit at a time we will overcome fears and be victorious over them.“ …..thank you for sharing & inspiring.

Much appreciated. Thank you.

Dylan Pierce
Dylan Pierce
Feb 01, 2023
Replying to

Thank you for reading Maria! I'm so happy to know it blessed you! That is so true about how we approach art reflects how we approach life! Shalom!


Feb 01, 2023

Dylan, THANK YOU for your inspirational post. It is just what I needed as I found myself stuck in a bit of a creative rut. It is comforting to know that all artists -even accomplished ones- can find themselves experiencing moments of self-doubt. Thank you for sharing this and giving me motivation and hope!

Dylan Pierce
Dylan Pierce
Feb 01, 2023
Replying to

Thank you Christine for reading! I'm glad this was encouraging! For sure! It seems like that is just a natural part of creative growth. But the good thing, you WILL get out of the rut if you keep going even if it seems like you don't know how right now. Shalom!

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