Here is a list of my supplies for painting watercolor on our class field trips.
Slik F740 Tripod
Guerrilla Painter No. 17 Flex Easel Attachment
SunEden Artist Shelf-200 http://www.sunedenartistsgear.com If you want to paint in oils also I recommend not getting the Sun Eden shelf but getting the Coulter Compact painting palette(from Art Box and Panel), it is a great palette for your oils but it gives you a spacious and sturdy shelf you can use for your watercolor palette. It fits the same tripod as listed above.
Camp Time Roll-a-Chair
Bestbrella, semi translucent white umbrella, to shade palette and painting from sun (this is a must for me).
Paper: Arches 300lb Coldpress or Rough Block, 11x14, the watercolor block is stretched for you with several sheets bound together.
Palette: Robert & Sharon Long Slant Palette, sold at Binders Art Store in Atlanta. Lately I've enjoyed plein air painting with a Triadic palette, just three colors...Peacock Blue, New Gamboge, and Alizarin Crimson. I really like the harmony it makes which works well with nature.
Small Things:
1 jar, 22oz or bigger, pre-filled with water to paint with.
Kneaded eraser
Mechanical pencil
Sharpening knife(to sharpen wax stick)
a sheet of sketch paper
Artist tape
Several Viva paper towels
Susan Scheewe Watercolor Resist Sticks(clear wax crayons)
Holbein Watercolor Atomizer Bottle
Drinking water
Brushes: Three brushes by Princeton Neptune (script 1, round 6, round 12 and 1 inch oval wash brush). Or if you don't mind paying more I like using the following brushes... DaVinci Maestro Kolinsky Sable(round 8), Da Vinci Russian Blue Squirrel - Series 803 - Cat’s Tongue Wash Brush. The Da Vinci brushes are natural hair and so they will retain a lot of water, they can make longer strokes and have more versatility in the type of brush stroke it makes, and they are great for scumbling and dry brush texture. The Neptune brushes are synthetic hair made to act like natural hair, they do pretty good.
American Journey Canvas Brush Holder(Cheap Joe’s Brand) Love this brush holder!
Bring a hat to shade your eyes from glaring sun. Wear neutral colored clothes, because sun light can make colorful clothes highly reflective onto your watercolor painting. I attach my backpack to the easel for a weight if the wind is blowing.
Backpack: the Kelty Redwing 50 works great it will allow you to fit everything into it, except the chair which can be attached to the side! With everything on this list loaded in the packpack it weighs right at 20lbs.
Bring a camera!